Sunday, 24 May 2015

Parental Lies

We all know that when we were young our parents told us little white lies, which we believed.

Obviously the main ones were Santa Claus, Easter Bunny and the Tooth Fairy. But recently I thought of a few others that my parents used on me. Lets see if your parents used any of these too. Or if you have any others feel free to share them with me in a comment.

  1. "If the wind changes your face will stay like that!"  - I used to get this every time I pulled a funny face. Even though I didn't fully believe them it was something I didn't want to test incase it actually happened. 
  2. "You will get square eyes!"  - This was to do with sitting too close to the TV. At the age of around 3/4 I did actually think this might happen to me after time. Talk about being gullible. 
  3. "Me and mummy were just wrestling,"  - Well, I'm sure you know what this one was about. How many of you had parents that used this? Of course I was too young to know otherwise anyway, so this was believable. 
  4. "Babys come from a stork," (or a shop in my case) - So after the "wrestling" was over then comes the news of a baby brother or sister. At one stage every child has asked where baby's come from and our parents always give us some silly answer. I don't blame them though because I think the truth at that age would have scared me for life!
  5. "They are Oder Eaters for your shoes!"  - This one is personal to me and still makes me laugh to this day. I don't recall the event but my mother found it very amusing to fill me in about it. The story goes, the advert for 'Always' sanitary towels was on the TV and I had asked her what they were for. Quick thinking my mother told me they were 'Oder Eaters' that you put inside shoes to stop your feet smelling. After she told me this I couldn't help but think, what if I found some of these in the bathroom? What would my mum do if, one day, I came walking down the stairs with these in my shoes?! Glad that never happened.  
  6. "Carrots help you see in the dark,"  - I know the vitamins in carrots are linked to eyesight, but there is no scientific evidence whatsoever that they help anyone's vision at night. My parents were always trying everything to make me eat my veggies but my eyesight at night was, and still is, pretty decent in the dark so this wee trick didn't work on me. 
  7. "Yes, we are nearly there!"  - No matter where you are going if you ever asked you parents "are we nearly there yet?" they always told you yes, even if there was still 50 miles to go.

I thought that this was just something they did when I was very young and didn't know better, but throughout my teenage years they said, "I never done anything like that when I was young!" It turns out they actually did. 
I wonder if in years to come if I will use any of these on my future children.....


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