Now who remembers bubblegum eyeballs? If you are in your 20's you should remember these. When I was in primary school my friends and I were the bees knees walking in with a pocket full of bubblegum eyeballs. And in my local sweet shop they were only 5p! Bargain!
If anyone does know please feel free to comment the name and put me out of my misery.
Onto the lollies now. I still love lolly pops especially those ones in the red or purple spotty wrapper that you used to get at kids birthday party's in the party bag.
Back in the day Push Pops were the 'in' thing. They were great. Though I always had the problem of putting the lid back on and then struggling to get my lolly again because it was that sticky the lid had stuck to it. There was also the Pro Flip Pop. It was almost triangular and you had to push the buttons at the side and the lolly flipped out. Was pretty cool.
Dip Dab lollies were a favorite for almost everyone. But my favorite was the Baby Bottle Pop. Similar to the Dip Dab only instead of coming in a packet it was shaped as a baby's bottle. The lolly was the top bit then you unscrewed it and the powder you dipped it into was underneath in the bottle.
As for drinks Twist 'n' Squeeze and Kwenchy Kups were the best drinks of the 90's. The only downfall is that there was just never enough juice in them. But then what do you expect for 20p.
There is so much more I could mention if I really thought about it but I'd rather not go on and on and bore all of you!
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