Thursday, 26 February 2015

BRITS 2015

Last night was the night the BRIT Awards finally arrived and what a night it was!

All awards were very well deserved, all except one! British video award went to One Direction - You and I. Has anyone actually seen this music video? It is in my opinion CRAP! Boring! Ugh! Clearly people have just voted purely because it is One Direction rather than taking into account the award was for the music video and not the band itself. Things like this really annoy me! In fact One Direction just annoy me in general.

Have to mention Paloma Faith. How good was her performance? She stole the show. I think shes an amazing performer and that voice! Shes amazing! And definitely deserved to get British Female Solo Artist.
To see Paloma's amazing performance click here:

Now for the moment everyone's been talking about. One word, Madonna. 
Nothing could have prepared me for that moment! Two things celebrities worry about when going on stage 1. Falling and 2. A wardrobe malfunction. So surely a wardrobe malfunction that results in the celeb being pulled of a staircase on stage is just the worst kind of nightmare! And it could only happen to Madge. When I first seen her fall I couldn't believe I had just seen it. I sort of sat with my mouth open in shock, it was like I imagined it. Then afterwards I couldn't stop laughing. It probably was a painful fall and there will be people out there shunning me for laughing but deep down I think most people found it very funny. I also couldn't believe the dancers just sat round her! I know it was a performance and they were trying to carry on but I thought they would have even tried to discretely help her up. 
As its been all over the internet on Facebook. Twitter, etc. Im sure most people have seen it but here is the link for anyone who happened to miss the highlighting moment. 


Monday, 23 February 2015

Gone Girl

Last night I finally got the time to watch Gone Girl. I had wanted to see this film for a while and now I have I decided to share my opinion of the film with you all.

To begin with I thought it started pretty well. Its one of them films that goes back and forward from past to present which I like because I like things to unfold and to try and figure things out. So I was all hyped up for this mystery and was expecting lots of twists and turns. The twists in the story were definitely there so I wasn't disappointed on that part but I was disappointed in the fact I had it figured out in like the first fifteen minutes!
So Amy (Rosamund Pike) goes missing and they become suspicious of her husband (Ben Affleck) it becomes obvious he is being framed for her disappearance or even murder. Within no time I had it figured out that she was alive and it was all her! She was framing her husband. It was so predicable.
But this didn't put me off watching I was still curious to see what way things ended up. Did he go down for her murder? Did she get caught out? What happens next I was not prepared for.
Turns out Nick was having an affair and Amy knew all about it and that was the motive to frame her husband. While in hiding Amy turns to an ex boyfriend, that she also tried to frame, who agrees to hide her due to the abuse lies she told him. Then she kills him! Such a shock! Amy is then found and of course lies that her ex boyfriend had kidnapped her and had her tied up in the house. She then returns to her husband who is planning on leaving her as he knows that it was her trying to frame him. At first they play up to the cameras that all is well then she plays with his head claiming to be pregnant knowing that will make him stay with her as he always wanted kids. This is where the ending is really messed up as he decides to stay. They live in their house but he sleeps in the spare room. Its clear they don't trust each other and he even locks the bedroom door. Why he even decided to stay with her knowing she tried to get him the death penalty and she just killed her ex is beyond me! I would have been straight out of there. Then they continue their life in front of the cameras as a perfectly happy married couple... To me this ending didn't fit. After all the drama I was expecting a more explosive ending. I thought that maybe he would have found a way to get the truth out there and for her to get sent down or even more dramatic, for her to kill her husband after all.

Overall I wouldn't say it is the worst film I have seen but I do think the ending could have been better. I would watch it again if it is ever on tv but I am in no rush.


Saturday, 14 February 2015

Hair Treatments

Some people ask me about hair masks and treatments wanting to know what ones are the best to buy So I have decided to make a list of a few of my favorites for you all.

The ones I have chosen are from Sally's Salon Services.

Starting  with the cheapest:

ion Reconstructor Treatment 

  • Single use 
  • Cheap and cheerful 
  • For damaged hair 

Osmo Colour Vibrance Mask 

  • Multiple uses 
  • For coloured hair 
  • Keeps colour vibrant 
  • Good value for money 

Matrix Total Results Strength Pak 

  • Multiple uses 
  • For damaged hair 
  • Reinforces hairs cuticle 
  • Good value for money

Wella Brilliance Coloured Hair Conditioning Mask 

  • Multiple uses 
  • For coarse hair 
  • For coloured hair 
  • Enhances colour's vibrancy
  • Good value 


Wednesday, 11 February 2015

Forgotten Sweets

 Sitting reminiscing about my childhood and a big part of that was being given a pound coin, heading to the corner shop and getting all my favorite sweets. I know what you're thinking, "a pound coin?" Yes. a pound coin! Back when a 10p mix-up was 10p! Freddos were 5p! And you could even get drinks like Tip Tops for 20p!

There are so many sweets I used to love that would be so awesome if shops started to sell again. Kids today will never know the joy I had as a child with all these sweets! Like Taz bars! No, not caramel Freddos, Taz bar! Totally not the same. Taz bars were so much better and if I remember correctly like most chocolate nowadays Taz bars were actually bigger than a caramel Freddo as well. Plus who doesn't love the Tasmanian devil! hughdhahweeehahwythshau (as Taz would say, haha)

Now who remembers bubblegum eyeballs? If you are in your 20's you should remember these. When I was in primary school my friends and I were the bees knees walking in with a pocket full of bubblegum eyeballs. And in my local sweet shop they were only 5p! Bargain!

Then there were these jelly things. They were so jelly-ish haha. It was like they wriggled down your throat when you swallowed them! Does anyone remember the name of these? Did they have a name? I don't remember what they were called or what people used to call them.
If anyone does know please feel free to comment the name and put me out of my misery.

Onto the lollies now. I still love lolly pops especially those ones in the red or purple spotty wrapper that you used to get at kids birthday party's in the party bag. 
Back in the day Push Pops were the 'in' thing. They were great. Though I always had the problem of putting the lid back on and then struggling to get my lolly again because it was that sticky the lid had stuck to it. There was also the Pro Flip Pop. It was almost triangular and you had to push the buttons at the side and the lolly flipped out. Was pretty cool. 
Dip Dab lollies were a favorite for almost everyone. But my favorite was the Baby Bottle Pop. Similar to the Dip Dab only instead of coming in a packet it was shaped as a baby's bottle. The lolly was the top bit then you unscrewed it and the powder you dipped it into was underneath in the bottle.

As for drinks Twist 'n' Squeeze and Kwenchy Kups were the best drinks of the 90's. The only downfall is that there was just never enough juice in them. But then what do you expect for 20p. 

There is so much more I could mention if I really thought about it but I'd rather not go on and on and bore all of you! 


Thursday, 5 February 2015

90's Kid

Every now and again people post on Facebook "remember these!" followed by a picture of something that brings back the joyful memories of my 90's childhood.
I've decided to make a list of 10 things that were a big deal for me growing up. Lets see if any of them jog your memory.
In no particular order......

1. Beanie Babies 
If you were a little girl growing up in the 90's you are bound to have had an army of 'ty' beanie babies. There were a huge range of bears and most had their own meaning such as a peace bear, good luck bear etc. And not only bears but there were cats, dogs, rabbits, monkeys, a variety of birds, dragons and I even remember there being a worm!

2. Furby
And I don't mean the furby's that are on toy store shelves today. I'm talking about the original furby's. They are a little less creepy than the modern version. New ones scare me a little where as the old ones kind of reminded me of gizmo! 

3. Tamagotchi 
I think these should be given to adults who want to prepare for having a baby or in child development classes instead of that doll thing. It was one of the most annoying toys ever! It just kept bleeping!! Beep, it needs fed. Beep, it has pooed. Beep, its awake. Beep this, beep that! Basically like having a child. I blame this toy alone for my messed up sleeping pattern! Keeping me up all night on a school night cause it wanted fed then once you feed it you have to exercise it. Then if it gets sick.... Don't even get me started! Although no matter how many times it died I always reset it and started over. Annoying and addictive. 

4. Pokedex 
Ok, so this is where my geeky side comes out. Major pokemon fan! I collected the cards, I watched the tv show, I have the videos and also had a collection of teddies and figurines. But you couldn't be a proper Pokemon trainer without your very own Pokedex! 

 5. Gameboy Colour
Staying with the Pokemon theme, I had a Gameboy colour and a Gameboy advance. I preferred the the Gameboy colour as it was vertical rather than the horizontal Gameboy advance. I had a few games for the handheld but the ones that were practically stuck in the console was one of the Pokemon games. 

6. Alien Babies
My mum absolutely hated these! She never wanted to buy me them it was always daddy that gave in. The thought of all that goo and the wee slimy alien turns me now but back in the day it was great. Remember when people told you they grew overnight? And if you stuck the flat part of its back with another one they would have babies? Weird kids haha. 
I actually found these in wee sea side toy shop last year and couldn't resist but to buy one. Not brave enough to open it up and touch the goo though. 

7. Biting Bulldog
Why? Why anyone ever thought to buy me these for xmas I will never know. Who ever thought this would be a good idea for a toy? This thing gave me so many heart attacks. I could handle the surprise of buck-a-roo because at least buck-a-roo didn't hurt! This thing snapped down of your fingers! Might not have hurt as much as you think its going to but it the fear of not knowing when to expect it.

8. Blow Pens
Kids love to do things that involves doing something messy. How cool were blow pens? I used to love these! Although I always seemed to forget to take them out of my mouth when breathing in.... Note, they do not taste nice! 

9. Talkboy
This is were I am going to admit how 'sad' I was as a child. I used to run about and hide behind chairs and under tables with this toy and pretend I was some sort of detective/spy and whisper everyone's movements and all these silly little clues which I made up into it. Its amazing how easily amused you can be at that age. 

10. Sega Mega Drive
Saved the best until last! The Sega Mega Drive was my all time favorite thing as a child with my Gameboy in close second. But before Pokemon was Sonic the hedgehog! I could have played that game for hours. I had a few different kinds of Sonic games they were my favorite. A few others I really loved playing were Paperboy, Columns, Golden Axe and Outrun. That's all I can remember so far. 
